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Privacy policy Privacy information on the processing of personal data of web users pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR). 1.     INFORMATION FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA This information describes how to manage the site of Agorà Soluzioni S.r.l. with reference to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. This is an information that is provided pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation 679 of 2016 and by the Legislative Decree n.196 / 2003 as updated by the Legislative Decree n.101 / 2018, to those who interact with the services accessible electronically starting from the address corresponding to the home page of the website The information is not to be considered valid for other websites that may be consulted through links on the website owned by the owner, who is not to be considered in any way responsible for third party websites. 2.     THE HOLDER OF THE TREATMENT The “owner” of the data processing, relating to identified or identifiable people who have consulted this site is Agorà Soluzioni S.r.l .. For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this statement, you can contact the Data Controller at the email address: 3.     TYPES … Leggi tutto


Agorà Soluzioni

The Accent on Engineering Solutions Our vision Becoming a reference partner of large Italian groups that need advanced technical support and specialized technical advice in all phases of the real estate cycle: from investment analysis to strategic evaluation, from design to construction, from asset enhancement to management of real estate portfolios. Our mission Committing with passion to provide its customers with qualified engineering and strategic consulting services, ensuring total process management and complete coverage of any need. Clients portfolio UNIVERSITA’ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA FONDAZIONE EDUCATT ISTITUTI CLINICI SCIENTIFICI MAUGERI S.p.A. SB SYNLAB ITALIA S.r.l. GRUPPO KORIAN KINETIKA SARDEGNA s.r.l. SEGESTA LATINA spa VILLA DELLE TERME s.p.a SIRAM S.p.A. INARCHECK SPARIM S.p.A. ALTIS-SPARIM s.p.a. Cassa di Risparmio MCB s.p.a. CPL Concordia Group AWAIR FRATI CAPPUCCINI DI TORINO BETASINT

Project sector

Agorà Soluzioni offers architectural, structural and building systems services with particular expertise in the health, tourism, hotel, residential, school and tertiary sectors. The Agorà System includes the new frontiers of integrated BIM design, from construction management to the finished product, with an eye to the sustainability and quality of prefabricated wooden structures. Architectural design and building systems Prefabricated wooden design BIM modeling BIM design, ” Building Information Modeling ”, is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building. Designing in BIM means creating a container of information on the building in which to insert graphic data – such as floor plans and drawings – or specific data on technical attributes also relating to the expected life cycle. Unlike classic 2D or 3D design, BIM modeling is not limited to including visual information and rendering, but specifies the functionality and performance of each BIM object present in the project or within the elaborate building. The use of BIM is aimed at collaboration between designers, software interoperability, integration between processes and sustainability. Structural design Project monitoring e mangement Interior Design Urban and territorial planning Design for legislation adgustment Practices completion Construction management Energy saving design Testing Construction site … Leggi tutto

Management sector

Agorà Soluzioni offers integrated and dynamic management services for all activities related to the use of the property, consultancy, planning and supervision of maintenance activities through the planning of interventions and the control of times and costs on the progress of activities. Maintenance management Global Service of maintenance Facilities  e Property Management Property census and auditing Space Planning System Analysis ELENCO PROGETTI PRINCIPALI COMMITTENTE Gestione della manutenzione centri medici di Torino Veruno e Nervi ICS MAUGERI S.p.A. SB Gestione della manutenzione Collegi Università Cattolica Milano-Roma-Piacenza FONDAZIONE EDUCATT Implementazione anagrafica tecnica dei Comprensori Ospedalieri Cattinara e Maggiore di Trieste – 170.000 mq SIRAM S.p.A. Censimento per Anagrafica Tecnica – MIES2 – AULSS6 Euganea – 160.000 mq SIRAM S.p.A. Censimento per Anagrafica Tecnica – MIES2 – AAS2 Bassa Friulana – Isontina e AAS3 Alto Friuli – 330.000 mq SIRAM S.p.A. Progetto REAL ESTATE STATE MANAGEMENT presso SPARIM S.P.A.Cassa Risparmio –  Sparkasse di Bolzano UNIVERSITA’ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE Censimenti agenzie gruppo BNL-300.000 MQ SPARIM S.p.A. Censimento immobili gruppo MPS-185.000 mq MP FACILITY S.p.A. Censimento edifici universitari 520.000 mq UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Censimento edifici universitari 180.000 mq UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA

Consulting sector

Agorà operates in the field of consultancy with a high level of expertise for healthcare and university facilities. We offer our support in the evaluation of investment opportunities from both a technical and financial point of view with the aim of minimizing risks and costs. Economic – management consultancy Specialized consultancy for Authorizations, Certifications and Accreditation Geological and geotechnical consultancy Acoustic impact assessments Feasibility assessments Evaluation of the purchase and dismissing of properties Due diligence, estimates and appraisals Fire prevention consultancy Validation of public projects in the health sector Workplace safety ELENCO PROGETTI PRINCIPALI COMMITTENTE Studio di fattibilità Casa di Cura di 270 pl a Campi Bisenzio VILLA DELLE TERME s.p.a. Studio di fattibilità Residenza Sanitaria Manerbio 120 pl GRUPPO KORIAN Studio di fattibilità Residenza Sanitaria (80 pl) e appartamenti protetti (n. 80), Lissone GRUPPO KORIAN Studio di fattibilità Hotel Mirage, Egitto Studio di fattibilità bar Campus Universitario di Piacenza FONDAZIONE EDUCATT Studio di fattibilità villaggio residenziale a  Pechino Studio di fattibilità Palestra Carpi CPL Concordia Group Ampliamento Università Cattolica di Piacenza FONDAZIONE EDUCATT Implementazione del modello Flachenmanagement ALTIS-SPARIM s.p.a. Cassa di Risparmio Valutazione stato conservativo immobili Unicredit MCB s.p.a. Valutazione stato conservativo immobili Intesa-San Paolo MCB spa Validazione progetti … Leggi tutto


AGORÀ SOLUZIONI S.r.l. P.IVA e C.F. IT05796860962R.E.A. 1849637C.S. Euro 50.000,00 I.V.Milano (MI) 20125Viale Monza, 59ItalyPh. +39.02.26821864E. Contact forms Main contacts Sending CV

Who we are

AGORA’ SOLUZIONI  is a engineering and consulting company that operates on all country and it is able to provide its experience in the management and complete development of projects guaranteeing quality, innovation and sustainibility. Our goal is to attract client’s royalty  by providing a tailor-made service ranging from strategic evaluation to integrated planning and construction management, from management to asset enhancement. LIGHTNESSLightness is associated with precision and determination SPEEDThe speed of style and thought means above all agility, mobility, ease ACCURACYRealize as precisely as possible the sensitive aspect of things VISIBILITYFocusing on visions with closed eyes, to bring out colors and shapes from alignment of black alphabetic characters on a white page, to think in images MOLTPLICITY… the world as a “system of systems”, in which every single system conditions the others and is conditioned by them CONSISTENCYand assumption of responsibility Italo Calvino[ Lezioni Americane ] How we operate AGORA’ SOLUZIONI  puts the Customer with their specific needs and characteristics at the center of its business; the relationship established by AGORA’ SOLUZIONI is based on the creation of a partnership, aimed at a medium-long term path, aimed at rationalizing non-core processes and cost optimization and efficiency objectives. In AGORA’ SOLUZIONI, … Leggi tutto