New university classrooms in via San Vittore 35 – Milan

The intervention, aimed at creating new classrooms for university functions in the basement and mezzanine of the building in via San Vittore 35, consisted of a general redistribution of the interior spaces and the demolition of architectural barriers in order to guarantee different accessibility to the new classrooms.

Santa Monica University Campus – Cremona

Sacro Cuore catholic university, moved its Cremona headquarters from its current location in Palazzo Ghisalberti in via Milano to the new Campus Santa Monica in via Bissolati. The new headquarters is built within the complex of the former Goito Barracks and includes the ancient cloister structure of the former Santa Monica Convent and the mighty military structure of the Warehouse Carri.

Pio X Courtyard, Franciscanum building, l.go Gemelli n.1 – Milan

Following the decision of the University Direction to unify all the Faculty Secretariats and the activities strictly connected to this exercise in a single area, the need arose to redistribute and redesign the external areas of the “Dominicanum” and the “Franciscanum”.

Other realizations of university construction

New entrance to Buonarroti college in piazza Buonarroti n. 30, Milan
Restyling university dormitory for teachers in via Necchi 9, Milan
Restyling university dormitory of Collegio S. Isidoro Piacenza